legless spider dying light. Whether it be a walkee, runner, or a viral. legless spider dying light

 Whether it be a walkee, runner, or a virallegless spider dying light  Spider is a character mentioned in Dying Light

Arara De Terno Feb 3, 2015 @ 8:47am. By Max Roberts, Jon Ryan, Brendan Graeber, +10. Head inside and use the elevator door to go to the core of the outpost. SQ42: Legless Spider. Dying Light doesn't allow you to save the game whenever you want (only auto-save) and this mechanism is connected to the consequences of getting killed. #dyinglight #firstperson #1stperson #actionhorror #asbogaming #asboplaysGive crayons to Kate. FREE IOS APP. Keep swimming. 《垂死之光(Dying Light)》是一款由Techland製作並發行的動作冒險類遊戲,這款遊戲將把場景設置在一個包含晝夜交替設定的龐大開放世界之中,玩家必須在曾經的城市中搜尋各類物資。SQ39: Chasing Past. Clear the area 10. Collectibles are 100% optional, not affecting the percentage of completion. I'll bet someone ran into a group of bandits. Electronic Parts 26. Report to Tolga and Fatin The brothers need three heavy load batteries from buses. Dying Light Poisonous Herbs AVAILABILITY: QUEST GIVER: Bulletin Board (Fishing Village), Musa LOCATION: Fishing Village REWARD(S): 2500 XP, $1000. Talk to Ihsan. . Dying Light side quest LEGLESS SPIDER find the meteorite samples. [1] Walkthrough. There should be some at the bus station. • Legless SpiderThe Shadow of the King Side Missions after Public Faces [SM09] Fan Zone Legless Spider Side Missions after The Museum [SM10] The Bunker Chasing Past Side Missions after Broadcast [SM11] The Launch Quarantine Zones [SM12] 18. The reward is 2500 points of power. Edit. how can i get the gun again. It is the spiritual successor of the Dead Island series. Get a job from Spike Take some firecrackers Prepare a trap for Brecken's mission Help trapped survivor Kill the infected runner Turn the power on to unlock the Safe Zone Get onto the building's roof and contact the GRE Arm more car traps Prepare light traps for the night mission Arm more. Game Guides & Walkthroughs. Zere and his lab Find Dr. Rewards: 15,000 Survivor XP. Find the apartment at Dolma. The reward is 2500 points of power. Crane must give Toygar five bottles of lighter gas in. They are found in several houses around Old Town. . range in the neighborhood, but our radios are on their last legs, and I need replacement parts. Shortly afterwards, Rais sends Tahir down to finish Crane. Created with. From here, go to the site. -= THE FOLLOWING CAMPAIGN GUIDE =-. • Legless Spider Shisha Parts are quest items for the side quest "Legless Spider" in Dying Light. Legless Spider Location: Old Town. Legless Spider. Dying Light is a vast open-world environment video game with plenty of things to do. Harvest is a side quest available in Dying Light: The Following. The hive's entrance is in a cave entrance on the western side of the map, just south of a Hunting Tower. 9b Legless Spider: Areas where you can find the parts. You've got to help me. • Legless SpiderDying Light: Tip (We get the most useless weapon in the game) Jonny Gamer June 9, 2020. Created with. His face is in the floor and I even got 11 bucks from his corpse XD. Area: Old Town Location: Pizzeria to the southeast of Harran University. The Saviors is the seventh story quest available in Dying Light. Nope, that would still be under Legless Spider, it's in your log for proof. 5 The banner is. Spider is a character mentioned in Dying Light. You'll find this quest as a listing on the quest board at Jasir's Farm. Dying Light Wiki. • Legless SpiderGo into the nearby parking lot to kill a Goon. DYING LIGHT SIDE QUEST!. Exercises in futility is a side quest available in Dying Light: The Following. After dying, the game will inform you about the penalty you receive and you will be teleported to a safe zone. 10a Chasing Past: Area where you can meet with Tariq. Radio Boy: "We were looking for treasure! We came in through a hole in the roof!" Climb to the top of the warehouse and jump down to get inside. Rais's Machete is a melee weapon that appears in Dying Light. Dying Light is creepier than you'd expect. More information is available in the DLCs subsection. • Legless SpiderThe Shadow of the King Side Missions after Public Faces [SM09] Fan Zone Legless Spider Side Missions after The Museum [SM10] The Bunker Chasing Past Side Missions after Broadcast [SM11] The Launch Quarantine Zones [SM12] 18. Come see how Dying Light is meant to. When you reach the Bus Depot there are plenty of infected to deal with first - once you clear enough of the faster ones away - including the three Toads up top - you can pick into the three buses with batteries in them and grab them, then head back to the Safe Zone. Mainly an improviserWhen I first finished the legless spider quest, I didn't like the weapon that came, and I sold the weapon, then from what I saw on the internet, the weapon is very powerful. 0. Warning, if your donig the legless Spider mission and are collecting the meteorites dont quit because I had to and it dosent save the meteorites you collected and now the generator is stuck on with no option to turn it off and they don't glow any more. Way to unlock: Automatically, after you listen to Savvy's message, during the exploration of the Old Town. • 28 days ago. Dying LightSide quest: Legless SpiderGameplay video. Talk to Spider, east side of town. Crane has to kill her for his own survival. Legless Spider updated with "Collect remaining objects 0/3 Shisha parts". Report to Tolga and Fatin The brothers need three heavy load batteries from buses. . He will state that the children are being brought to safety. Sammy Togan is a character featured in Dying Light. I'm pretty sure the Anti Gadoid Gun you get as a reward is useless, I tried. AVAILABILITY: At the beginning of the QUEST GIVER: Savvy, Spider LOCATION:REWARD (S): 15000 XP, Anti-Gadoid Gun. When I first finished the legless spider quest, I didn't like the weapon that came, and I sold the weapon, then from what I saw on the internet, the weapon is very powerful. Toygar: Even his kind, which is one of the worst kinds, if you ask me. Easily find all 5 meteorite samples in Dying Light Legless Spider side quest, here are the 5 meteorite locations (note: I didn't collect them in the order of. Hi In This Video Clip I'm Playing Dying Light On My PS4 Console In This Video Clip I'm Playing The Mission Legless Spider Where I Have To Collect The Remaini. Legless Spider 21. Interactive Entertainment. David is one of the characters in the game Dying Light. After having done so, Crane contacts Rupert and a Demolisher shows up. 0 License unless otherwise noted. Dawud, one of the Tower survivors, wants to get his family out of the slums, but he needs a gun so he can reach the exit point. Savvy: Someone's going to be dead soon. Talk to Spider, east side of town. Harvest is a side quest available in Dying Light: The Following. The map is slightly deceptive - if you take the direct path, you will likely reach an area that simply leads to a dead end, though there is. Health Potion is a side quest available in Dying Light. Dying Light Legless Spider Help DavidDying LightJasir will contact Crane while in the Countryside. Instead, one can also head east and follow the coast to arrive at the cave. Walkthrough. I should go to the place where he lived - at Dolma Street, 11/2 - and check it out on the spot. Locate steam library -> Dying Light -> Delete local content. You can find this quest near the Slums board. Go through the doorway at the top then open the door off to the left in the back of the room. 157. . It can transform an Axe, Hammer, Hatchet, Pickaxe, or Sledgehammer into a weapon that can take on almost any enemy. The player will be rewarded with the gun by David upon completion of the. Dying Light: The Following Guide Home. When I first finished the legless spider quest, I didn't like the weapon that came, and I sold the weapon, then from what I saw on the internet, the weapon is very powerful. Bahir Guide. burakdream. But the ornithomancer weapon is in the dlc the following. Today in Dying Light Platinum Edition we will focus on two very interesting side quests in the Old Town. Subscribe for more: I first finished the legless spider quest, I didn't like the weapon that came, and I sold the weapon, then from what I saw on the internet, the weapon is very powerful. In the guide, the rifle appeared as a Heckler and Koch HK 416 with a G36C-styled rail top carry handle that included iron sights. Dying Light is an action-adventure survival horror video game developed by Techland and published by Warner. Crayons for the Kids 27. 3 The banner is on a small table standing on the loggia to which we can enter through the hole in the roof. During the mission to rescue Dr. Find the apartment at Dolma Street 11/2 Find clues in apartment 11/2 Search. Lighter Gas. Once the quest ends, you’ll automatically get The Shadow of the. There are 53 side quests in Dying Light, 36 of them are in the Slums, 15 in Old Town and 1 in the antenna area. Dying Light is a first person survival horror action title with a zombie apocalypse theme. how can i get the gun again. Missão The Legless Spider Completa | Gameplay Dying Light #13. Look for the source of the strange sound Have mercy and kill Sabit 2 500 survivor points 50 trust points As part of "Two Roads Diverged", Crane will have entered Sabit's house and discovered the floor has caved in, leading to a cave. Dispose of them for a safe entrance. In order to complete the quest, take the elevator up to the 19th floor then use the stairs to get up to the 20th floor. Takes all kinds to make a world. Legless Spider - Meteorite locations Dying Light PlayStation 4 . . They are all relatively close. Quest Details: Location: Old Town (Spider) Difficulty: Medium. The Bunker Location:. scrに関連するSCRの問題は、殆どの場合、Dying Lightファイルの破損、欠落、または感染に起因します。 通常、SCRファイルの新しいバージョンをインストールすると、エラーの原因となっていた問題が修復されます。Assault and Batteries is a side quest available in Dying Light. That could be a bounty. Check what happened in the Fan Zone Find the source of the message Use Key Card Take the elevator Defeat the killer Turn the power back on Take the elevator 10 000 survivor points $1 500 Noah, atop the Ember's Safe Zone, has heard a distress call. During. After having met Brecken and leaving his room, Lena will approach Crane and speak about seizure medicines which she needs to help Brecken's injuries. . 45. You can no longer get this weapon through normal means. The Anti-Gadoid Gun is a unique firearm that can be obtained through the quest "Legless Spider". Spider's Bag is a quest item for the side quest "Legless Spider" in Dying Light . . Total Security. When approached, Spider reveals that he too is a runner working with another man to discover the source of the epidemic. Kyle Crane. For Dying Light on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Meteorite hunt side quest - Legless Spider - Meteorite locations". I'm a runner too. . He is a young survivor residing within the Tower, along with his mother and father, Salma and Dawud Togan. Subscribe for more: Staiano (born Mario Anthony Staiano Jr. Head to the specified location on the map. Head for his flat to find Rupert and talk to him. SQ42: Legless Spider. Dying Light Find the meteorite samples Legless Spider PS4 HD 1080pDying Light PlaylistDying Light na Ceneo - Jump in it and alongside the wall, a small cave is found. The God Hammer blueprint is considered one of the best Dying Light weapon blueprints for many reasons. Website: Legless Spider. Screamers are infected children whose screams disorient the player's vision and renders them unable to fight, as well as drawing in numerous other infected. • Legless SpiderA Pair of Glasses. This takes place in the same area where the legless spider quest does (gathering meteorite chunks). . He will request Crane to go. updated my 3d printed biomarker. Chasing Past is a side quest available in Dying Light. Dying Light - Old Town - Main quests. There should be some at the bus station. Better go see what they want. You can help Dying Light Wiki by expanding it. Head back to the now-cleared Volatile nest in the northeast of the map and see what is. There are 53 side quests in Dying Light, 36 of them are in the Slums, 15 in Old Town and 1 in the antenna area. Edit. It is assigned by Spider. Down the rabbit hole is a side quest available in Dying Light: The Following. Grab the sonar and Tolga and Fatin will tell you they do not. 7M views 7 years ago. Knock on the door and the guy. Dying Light Guide. Hardware is a side quest available in Dying Light. Is it bugged? the only meteorite i can find is the one that is in the crater, the other 4 are no where to be found, anyone else having this issue or can someone help me?Ascend over flesh is a side quest available in Dying Light: The Following. . He will have to kill said Toad, nicknamed Beelzebufo who is a member of. They are made available as the main story quests are progressed, unlocking new areas, and some of. Main page; Community Portal; Recent changes; Random page; Admin noticeboard; Gamepedia. For Dying Light on the PlayStation 4, Game Script by dnextreme88. Place the herbs in the brazier to finish the quest. That whole side mission is all under Legless Spider. To achieve 100% completion on a save file in Dying Light, you will need to complete or do a few tasks in certain DLCs. All Dying Light videos: Dying Light Legless Spider : Collect / Find Shisha Part and Meteorite Samples - Anti-Gadoid GunDying Light (playlist) Before delving any deeper into the guide / checklist, you need to know the following information. Talk to Spider, east side of town. They are all relatively close. Is it bugged? the only meteorite i can find is the one that is in the crater, the other 4 are no where to be found, anyone else having this issue or can someone help me?The following is a list of Easter Eggs that appear in Dying Lightand its DLC The Following. ) (b. When you move toward it, stay along the south cliffs and you'll eventually reach a dirt path that leads down a hill toward it. You can find this quest near the Slums board. ; The best blueprints in Dying. . • Dungeon • Fan Zone • Fountain • Health Potion • Legless Spider • Lost in Space • Office Outpost • Radio Station • Rupert. Once inside talk to Bahir and after that grab the vial next to him on the floor. Free Mobile App for you. Side Quests (Bilal's Gas Station) We Dont Go There Anymore. The video above is the Dying Light Legless Spider Quest Walkthrough and shows how to complete Legless Spider, the side-quest featured in Dying Light, the video-game. He’ll ask you for a gun to protect himself on the outside. There you can. Climb down that ladder. Pages that were created prior to February 2023 are from the Fandom Dying Light wiki. Head to the way point and go around back. First Assignment is the second story quest available in Dying Light. They are found in several houses around Old Town. . For Dying Light: Definitive Edition on the PC, Game Script by dnextreme88. For Dying Light: Definitive Edition on the Xbox One, Game Script by dnextreme88. . Legless Spider Location: Old Town. Econtro o David nesse video e procuro as amostras de meteoritos para essa. You get a radio message about smoke coming from a building - and the need to find out who is causing it. Dying Light is an action survival game presented in first-person perspective. . Goodnight Mr. • Dungeon • Fan Zone • Fountain • Health Potion • Legless Spider • Lost in Space • Office Outpost • Radio Station • Rupert the Gunsmith • The Bunker • The Shadow. Dying Light stars Kyle Crane, who is issued with an undercover mission: To find an important file that can possibly have answers for a cure to the infection. Main Page; All Pages; Interactive Maps; navigation. Find Jeff's fortress behind the train station Talk to Jeff Open the valve in the tunnel Open the valve under the overpass Open the valve near the train bridge Open the primary distribution gate Escape the explosion area Close the Blue Line valves Return to Jeff Watch The Fort Jefferson Apocalpyse Wall. Sammy Togan is a character featured in Dying Light. Check what happened in the Fan Zone Find the source of the message Use Key Card Take the elevator Defeat the killer Turn the power back on Take the elevator 10 000 survivor points $1 500 Noah, atop the Ember's Safe Zone, has heard a distress call. how can i get the gun again. When you make your way to the address you find a. Radio Station – One of two outpost quests you get from Savvy in the Loft. for iPhone and iPad. TGS also obtains the achievement titled "Hush, Hush Now". Major Slack's REAL walkthrough of Dying Light continues with the Legless Spider quest. Sub for more helpful tips, montages, hip hop. Look, I'm out of commission. Tariq has rescued a young boy, who experienced some real trauma. would read again #3. Gunslinger is a side quest available in Dying Light. Dying Light Dulse AVAILABILITY: QUEST GIVER: Bulletin Board (in Fishing Village), Sophia LOCATION: Slums REWARD(S): 2500 XP, Sophia’s Healing Recipe blueprint. 12 February 2016. Legless Spider updated with "Collect remaining objects 0/3 Shisha parts". Go back to the tunnel and help Ezgi Talk to Ezgi Tell Jasir that Ezgi's gone After having helped Ezgi and Dara get a safe way to enter Harran, a disturbed Ezgi will. . Show. The Anti-Gadoid Gun is a unique firearm that can be obtained through the quest "Legless Spider". Home; Boards; News; Q&A;. Upon arriving at the base of the Bridge Towers, the player must climb up both of the towers to reach the struts across and retrieve the working bulbs from the spotlights located across the struts. After killing Tahir, and retrieving Zere's tissue samples, Crane leaves the Museum and contacts Troy. Followed by the quest The Great Train Robbery. The Bunker 5: Rupert the Gunsmith 6: Do You Believe? 7: Fan Zone 8: Legless Spider 9: Health Potion 10: Blocks for the Boy 11: Dungeon 12: Troll 13: The Shadow of the King. EditThe Bunker is a side quest available in Dying Light. This is a quick showcase on legless spider side quest on dying light 1. 5 The banner is. • 28 days ago. Here's t. Showing 1 - 1 of 1 comments. Countryside Quartermaster Gas. So I wouldn’t worry about it :) Health Potion is a side quest available in Dying Light. Gamepedia support; Report a bad ad;David is a character featured in Dying Light. They are protected by UV Lighting to prevent Volatiles/Night-infected from entering or getting too close and often have other. A Safe Zone is an area within Dying Light where the infected cannot (usually) gain physical access to. Find out who's causing the smoke Take Spider's bag Collect remaining objects Go to. This article is a stub. Warning, if your donig the legless Spider mission and are collecting the meteorites dont quit because I had to and. After. During the battle, Tahir gets support from several of Rais's Bandits, armed with melee weaponry. Major Slack's REAL walkthrough of Dying Light and the Legless Spider quest. Dying Light Coffee AVAILABILITY: QUEST GIVER: Bulletin Board (The Tower), Toygar LOCATION: The Tower REWARD(S): 2500 XP, $1200. Dying Light Walkthrough Gameplay Part 33 includes Campaign Mission 17 of the Single Player for PS4, Xbox One and PC. There was a cut design for the Military Rifle shown in the Dying Light Official Game Guide. Crane: What happened to you? Spider: I took a bullet from Rais's men. Mainly an improviserDying Light flags. Page content is under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4. 9a Legless Spider: Area where you meet with Spider. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. For Dying Light: Definitive Edition on the Nintendo Switch, Game Script by dnextreme88. Gassed Up is a side quest available in Dying Light. Rocket Waggoon is the fourth and last of the Tolga & Fatin side quests available in Dying Light: The Following. AVAILABILITY: At the beginning of the QUEST GIVER: Savvy, Spider LOCATION:REWARD (S): 15000 XP, Anti-Gadoid Gun. Kevin Feb 1, 2015 @ 12:29pm. Get the fuel line from the twins' airplane wreck Talk to the brothers Having aided the brothers during the previous quest and given them some time, Fatin and Tolga will contact Crane. Health Potion is a side quest available in Dying Light. Look into the chasm down below and you'll see water at the bottom. Dying Light. Não da melhor forma mas está o video ae e completo =). Crane will gain the Depleter blueprint after defeating the final boss of the two bosses. However, he was shot by bandits and begs Crane to finish his mission, directing him. Irwin: It's a tragedy, of course. Dying Light is an upcoming zombie first person action survival game exclusively for Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC. Dying Light - Legless Spider - Side Quest Gameplay Walkthrough Mindless Walkthroughs 5. SUBSCRIBE!If you enjoy my videos hit the like button, subscribe or share this video. Dying Light Binoculars AVAILABILITY: QUEST GIVER: Bulletin Board (in Fishing Village), Santiago LOCATION: Slums REWARD(S): 2500 XP, $1000. Feb 5, 2015 @ 2:13am. Here's t. For Dying Light: Definitive Edition on the PC, Game Script by dnextreme88. It cannot fire any type of ammunition or do any damage to enemies. Head to Bilal's workshop, due north of the town, and speak to the man to complete the quest. Tolga and Fatin contact you on the radio and demand another meeting - an you fin them near the fishing village waiting for you. "Achievment Unlocked!" you are so funny, kid. Find the Embers: Area where you begin your exploration of the Old Town. I should go to the place where he lived - at Dolma Street, 11/2 - and check it out on the spot. Biography Events of Dying Light. Swim to the bottom of the water with blue and red algae and you find the locked chest. Dying LightSide quest: Legless SpiderGameplay video. I'll bet someone ran into a group of bandits. . Subscribe. Legless Spider Location: Old Town. The farm is to the northeast of Jasir's. Run down the stairs then open the door on the lower floor and move into the room to find Rupert. The Pit is the sixth story quest available in Dying Light. Locate the. Is it bugged? the only meteorite i can find is the one that is in the crater, the other 4 are no where to be found, anyone else having this issue or can someone help me?READ DESCRIPTION: First tip = Don't use the generator. He served in the United States Armed Forces and began working. The anti dadoid gun is just a joke it doesn't do anything. The following is a list of quests available in the game Dying Light. Não da melhor forma mas está o video ae e completo =). The first floor room directly ahead of Crane has many items to grab in it so it’s worth exploring. Linux Macintosh PC PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 Xbox One. He will state that the children are being brought to safety. Related quests [] Legless Spider; Gallery []Side Mission: Legless Spider Is it bugged? the only meteorite i can find is the one that is in the crater, the other 4 are no where to be found, anyone else having. Spider: Well,. They can also be found during the mission "Legless Spider" in each of the houses you are are suggested to search for shisha. Join. He will want Crane to put them in the brazier. ) (b. . Whether it be a walkee, runner, or a viral. ; The best blueprints in Dying. [1] This is a long quest that marks the player's transition into Old Town out of the Slums. Grab all the crayon boxes then get back to the Tower. • Dungeon • Fan Zone • Fountain • Health Potion • Legless Spider • Lost in Space • Office Outpost • Radio Station • Rupert the Gunsmith • The Bunker • The Shadow. Legless Spider Location: Old Town. Dying Light is an action-adventure survival horror video game developed by Techland a. Dying Light, Legless Spider, Side Quests [16] rainiergames. The Big Bang Thesis is a side quest available in Dying Light. Be mindful that several Virals will be located not. Dungeon is a side quest available in Dying Light. Find the building to the south of an outside square. Meteorite Locations and the reason why you should hold on to David's AntiGadoid Gun Spider is one of the Quests in the game Dying Light. He is distressed about Ezgi, who went missing. Metal Parts 2x, Strings 2x, Aerosol 2x, Batteries 2x, Power Cable 2x. This is a simple fetch and scrounge quest that requires you to obtain x10 Wolf's Bane that . Subscribe for more videos Dying Light Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 includes the Mission: Find the 5 Meteorite Samples of Legless Spider in the OLD TOWN of the Single Player for PS4, Xb. They tell you that they need 10 rolls of Duct Tape and Power Cables. Lighter Gas. Savvy: I saw a flare nearby. Dying Light Review. In Dying Light, The Gamer Society completes the Side Quest titled "Legless Spider". Is it bugged? the only meteorite i can find is the one that is in the crater, the other 4 are no where to be found, anyone else having this issue or can someone help me?Nesse video está a missão The Legless Spider. Legless Spider - Bugged. Dying LightLegless Spider Dying Light • Game Playlist —. Zere Rais's men kidnapped Zere, raided his truck, and took all his gear. All. Spider and David. In general, the task is not very difficult, you just need to carry the parcel, and then collect the pieces of the. He is a survivor and conspiracy theorist sheltering inside an apartment in Old Town. Countryside Quartermaster Gas. Dying Light Battle Journal Location Guide Battle Journal #0. The Screamer is an uncommon Infected-type in Dying Light. Come see how Dying Light is meant to. Two pharmacies are marked on the map. " Dying Light is a first person survival horror action title with a zombie apocalypse theme. Fan Zone is a side quest available in Dying Light. Tips on Surviving in Dying Light [018] 19. The building is actually labeled on your map if you look closely enough – it's in the center of the marked area. Incense Herbs is a side quest available in Dying Light. The game is set in a vast and dangerous open world. In the pit, there are burning barrels adorned with spikes. Tariq has rescued a young boy, who experienced some real trauma. During the day, players will explore urban environments, scavenging for supplies and crafting weapons. [1] Dying Light Game Guide is also available in our Mobile App. He gives you a recorder that may shed some light on the situation. Crane will try to contact the boy, but to no avail. Please Like & Subscribe for more. Pages that were created prior to February 2023 are from the Fandom Dying Light wiki. Make sure you hit the generator again when it shuts off, then wait for the yellow area to appear on your mini map so you can collect the rest. Upon reaching the location, speak with Volkan, and push the submarine into the water. Destroy the Volatile Hive 15 000 survivor points 300 trust points Kyle is given a location of the hive and is tasked with destroying it. Get to Jaffar's place Talk to Kurt Find the truck battery Deliver the truck battery to Kurt Gather materials for the bomb Turn in metal parts Turn in household supplies Turn in power cables Wait until Kurt prepares the bomb Get back to Kurt Plant the bomb in the tunnel at night Leave the tunnel and.